cid#1558174 bad bit shift operation [Caolán McNamara]
cid#1558833 uninitialized scalar field [Caolán McNamara]
cool#6893 ScFormulaGroupIterator::next creates columns [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#33201 UI: Highlight (not select) current row and column in spreadsheet [Sahil]
tdf#68364 Fields: Conditional text error [Andreas Heinisch]
tdf#76115 FILEOPEN: Calc can't read XLSX generated by certain software using backslash "\" as file name separator [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#86395 Allow sorting of bookmarks in the navigator in two ways: alphabetically and by order in document [Jim Raykowski]
tdf#105844 FILESAVE: Very slow saving with password compared to 5.2.5 [Michael Stahl]
tdf#108505 FILEOPEN: DOCX - Drop down list form field doesn't have correct font when at the beginning of a line [Justin Luth]
tdf#111969 right-click on right half of last character in selection loses the selection (Writer) [Justin Luth]
tdf#117651 AutoCorrect does not change preexisting text inside /slashes/ to italics, nor change -strikethrough- [Matt K]
tdf#123864 No feedback for screen reader when radio button for underline attribute changes [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#131575 FILEOPEN: LO can't open generated XLSX (without docsProps) that MSO opens - opens if [content_types].xml caps changed [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#140401 LibreOffice crashed due to custom installed fonts [Patrick Luby]
tdf#142695 Add info about double-click making commands sticky to all affected commands' tooltips [Matt K]
tdf#142926 On F1 / Help failure - No resolution path is identified for resolving errormesssage [Rafael Lima]
tdf#150695 The string "IgnoreAll" is probably wrong [Julien Nabet]
tdf#151456 AnimatedImages in Basic Dialog : StepTime is ignored [Julien Nabet]
tdf#152929 Sparkline ignore "High points" color when all values are negative [Julien Nabet]
tdf#153178 FILEOPEN RTF Paragraphs before table disappear or open inside a frame [Justin Luth]
tdf#153613 FILEOPEN DOCX: export puts page break before textbox, instead of after [Justin Luth]
tdf#154339 Plain text copied to clipboard and pasted to CSV is not saved. [Xisco Fauli]
tdf#154864 Changing starting number of numbered list does nothing [Noel Grandin]
tdf#155266 VIEWING / SCROLLING: very laggy jerky scrolling on macOS Intel Writer: scroll lag [Patrick Luby]
tdf#155876 [LOCALHELP] - Calc - Help pages about dialogs should provide instructions for the Tabbed UI [Olivier Hallot]
tdf#155877 [LOCALHELP] - DRAW - Help pages about dialogs should provide instructions for the Tabbed UI [Dione Maddern]
tdf#156156 Add Help button to sidebar [Stéphane Guillou]
tdf#157569 FILEOPEN: Incorrect formula font size ( fixed doubleclicking on the object ) [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#157740 FILESAVE PPTX: Explosion in the number of master slides [Balazs Varga]
tdf#158044 RTF import paragraph style attribute handling wrong [Oliver Specht]
tdf#158186 Mismatching config key name and property name in UI code [Samuel Mehrbrodt]
tdf#158250 impress templates : a few png images could use indexed colours [Laurent Balland]
tdf#158276 Since version (x86_64) bookmarks in LO Writer do not hold alpha sort [Jim Raykowski]
tdf#158320 No more font live preview (on hovering) in Calc [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#158332 Areas from the context menu remain after exiting the presentation (VCL gtk3, DE kde and Xfce) [Caolán McNamara]
tdf#158375 Ability to disable active content in LibreOffice [Sarper Akdemir]
tdf#158379 Crash when trying to print specific RTF file (macOS) [Patrick Luby]
tdf#158421 Gradient settings for a chart wall don't work [Armin Le Grand (allotropia)]
tdf#158461 Flicker during live resizing when using Skia/Metal [Patrick Luby]
tdf#158505 Crash exporting Writer file with bibliography to PDF [Vojtěch Doležal]
tdf#158548 File encoding UI element focused on CSV import dialog, changes on unrelated scroll events [Michael Weghorn]
tdf#158551 Crash in: mdds::mtv::soa::multi_type_vector<sc::CellStoreTraits>::cbegin() const on Paste Special with Operation [Julien Nabet]
tdf#158556 DOCX Document That Opens/Loads Extremely Slowly [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#158576 Improve macro signature confirmation dialog [Samuel Mehrbrodt]
tdf#158583 FILEOPEN RTF: break splits paragraph across two pages [Justin Luth]
tdf#158586 FILEOPEN RTF: missing page break [Justin Luth]
tdf#158593 Expert dialog crashes when editing locked down "set" configuration [Stephan Bergmann]
tdf#158636 Wrong border behaviour when cells are merged [Noel Grandin]
tdf#158681 FILEOPEN: DOCX: Missing textbox in document [Justin Luth]
tdf#158684 CALC CHART XY Scatter Chart: line type "stepped" ignores parameters (de: "Streudiagramm / Stufen") [Julien Nabet]
tdf#158686 FILEOPEN RTF Crash when changing to print preview [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#158703 Crash if I use the space bar several times and then punctuation (French Locale) [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#158720 Crash for attribute string search ("oo", "uno", "ooname") in the Expert Configuration dialog [Samuel Mehrbrodt]
tdf#158739 Crash (assert): Inserting Formula and hovering over insert text leads to assert in Skia/Vulkan graphics (Win11) [Julien Nabet]
tdf#158762 Paragraph imported without numbering [Oliver Specht]
tdf#158766 Escape key doesn't work when editing a math formula [Mike Kaganski]
tdf#158771 Alt+F12 in Writer no longer opens the Options dialog [Xisco Fauli]
tdf#158785 Hyperlink: help-popup/Ctrl-Click are active one character past the end of the hyperlink [Justin Luth]
tdf#158794 Pasting a DDE link into a footnote / endnote crashes [Mike Kaganski]